

ON A MINIMUM BUDGET By Alan A. Aspergo (The Fit n’ Well Coach)

What would you say if I told you that you could create your own gym in your own house or garage? Most people respond by saying, “I don’t have the space” or “I can’t afford a gym.” With a little creative thinking, a little time, and some good old fashioned self-motivation, you can indeed build a home gym. And it doesn’t have to cost you the moon. There’s a way to suit any budget. Ask yourself honestly: Do you want to get fit? If the answer is “yes,” then read on and follow the five easy steps and look forward to a healthier and fitter new you!


Step 1: Marking out your territory.

There is a perfect room, area, or spot in your residence that’s waiting to be utilized as a gym. Think about it... look for it... it’s there. It’s that room or area you hardly ever use. In my case, I realized it was the small children’s bedroom that I was using to store boxes and stuff. After I downsized all that stuff, I found I had just the right amount of room to create my gym space. If you don’t have an extra room, just walk slowly around your condo or apartment and visualize a spot or area that you can designate as your gym space. Don’t neglect sizing up your back porch or patio, if you have one.


Step 2: Bringing in good energy vibes

Any place... a room, a building, etc., will give off vibrations that people can feel. This is well-known in the art of Feng Shui. Mostly, the energy vibes are created by the amount of sunlight coming in, the placement of the furniture, the angulation of the walls and architecture, and other factors. I highly recommend you make your gym space as bright and airy as possible. Opening two windows on the opposite side of the apartment or house will give you a cross-current of airflow, ensuring plenty of fresh air. Fans or air-conditioners may be an alternative, but make sure the air in the room is properly recycled. An ion-generator is also very good; I have mine on all the time. A room full of natural sunlight gives great energy vibes, but when it’s dark or you’re working out in the evenings, I recommend using soft white light bulbs. Investing in some potted plants, such as ferns and bamboo plants, is a good idea; plants increase your health vibes because they reciprocate by giving us oxygen and purifying the room. Finally, move any distracting clutter out of your gym space. Move wires or cables, push aside corners of tables or chairs, and remove piles of newspapers or books that are too close to your energy space. The key thing is: you have to feel good when you are doing your workout routine in your home gym space.


Step 3: Stocking your home gym space:

You now want to purchase some gym equipment or aids you’ll be using to transform your present body into one that you can be proud of. Body Sculpture has a complete range of exercise equipment and body sculpting products you can choose from that will suit your budget.

Obviously, knowing your individual goals and what part(s) of your body you wish to improve will help you make the best decision when it comes to choosing the right exercise equipment to stock your home gym space with. Later, you’ll find you will want to buy more products that offer more advanced workout challenges.


Step 4 : Motivating factors:

Having the exercise equipment at hand and seeing your home gym space become a reality is already a powerful motivator to start your exercise routines. However, you will need to keep your motivation levels high and not slow down after a few short weeks. There are extra things you can do to maintain your verve. Place a mirror where you can see (and admire) your physique as you do your workout routine. A mirror is a great feedback indicator, and you’ll be able to see your strong points and weaknesses in your muscle tone, form, and movements. To further motivate you to get into this space and do a beneficial workout, put posters on the walls that are conducive to what you’re trying to achieve. In my case I had a classic poster of Arnold Schwarzenegger in all his muscular glory. Some people like to follow instructional DVDs. One of my favorite motivators is high-impact music. Choose your own music CD or MP3 that will boost your daily routines. Having an exercise partner with you is another excellent way to get that competitive spirit activated. When I do my Thai Boxing kicking routines, I get a workout partner who can kick higher than me...and that spurs me on to do better. Another important motivating factor is keeping a log of your progress. I always draw columns in my log for each type of exercise I’m doing. It’s really gratifying to my ego when I see, for example, that at the beginning of the week I did 50 push-ups and at by Friday I was able to do 80 push-ups. You’ll find this feedback a necessary action to drive your motivation, pushing you to improve myself


Step 5 : Storing and clearing your home gym space:

After a satisfying workout, you may, depending on what type of home gym you’ve set up for yourself, want to store your equipment and return the space to its original state. The yoga mat, which can be easily rolled up, and the foam blocks I use are conveniently stored under my large sofa. Many of the lower priced exercise products offered by Body Sculpture are foldable for easy and quick storage With a little imagination and common sense you will know the best spaces to store your stuff or move it all close together and out of the way until your next workout session. For those of you who have found a permanent spot you can use for your regular exercise routines, you may want to cover your equipment with a large sheet to keep it clean, neat, and free of dust. A client of mine regularly has guests over to his apartment. He uses a lovely traditional Japanese screen and places it between his exercise area and the living room area, keeping his barbell bench out of sight.


Good luck... and remember:

In Shape, In Control.